Monthly Archives: March 2015


How to Transfer Data between views in Xamarin iOS.


We have create a tutorial about how to go to one view to another but what about passing data between this views. In this tutorial we are going to extend our last tutorial , so if you didn’t look at it please refer it. We just pass segue push to...


How to implement Tab bar controller in Xamarin iOS.


Tabbed applications are used in iOS to support user interfaces where multiple screens can be accessed in no particular order. Through the UITabBarController class, applications can easily include support for such multi-screen scenarios. UITabBarController takes care of the multi-screen management, allowing the application developer to focus on the details of each screen. The UITabBarController supports tabbed...


How to implement a webview in Xamarin iOS.


Web View, on the other hand, is a handy component to load web content. In some cases, you want to display a single web page locally in your app or let users access external web pages within your app. You can simply embed the Web View object in your app...