Yearly Archives: 2015


How to create Action sheets using Xamarin.Forms


All mobile applications, no matter what they are about, they have one common and obvious characteristic: They offer interaction, which means that they are not static, but require input or actions needed to be taken by users from time to time in order to function properly. Action sheets consist of...


How to Create a Simple ListView App in Xamarin.Forms


Any of the mobile application is not worthy without “Listview”. Listview is very common control in the mobile application. It is responsible for displaying collection of items on the screen. Each item contained inside the listview will be in the separate cell. By default listview will use the built in...


How to create a CustomeLIstView with CustomeCell in Xamarin.Forms


We have learned how to create simple listview in the previous demo application now we are going to create a Customelistview for displaying images along with their names in the listview for that we have made some changes to the previous project. Goto the “ListViewXamarinForms.cs” file and make the following...


How to navigate from one ContentPage to another in Xamarin.Forms


The following Demo Are For basic methods to navigate from one ContentPage to another. Now Create New Solution. The MainPage is initialized with a MainView, which we will define below, wrapped into a NavigationPage, which will create a navigation bar above the content. Now Open The NavigationSegueXamarinForms.cs and Initialize NavigationBar....


How to Pass Data in Pages using Xamarin.Forms


Until now we have seen how to go from one page to another with NavigationPage and Navigation, but it Is not enough in live applications. You also need to pass some information to another page. In this tutorial we are going to see how to pass data between different pages...


How to TabbedPage in Xamarin.Forms


TabbedPage is one of the basic Page type in Xamarin.Forms. With it you can create Tab bar like app in iOS and TabHost app in Android. It is very easy to create and maintain TabbedPage in Xamarin.Forms. Let’s Start: Create a new solution for Xamarin.Forms and name is “TabbedPageXamarinForms”. Create...


How to implement a webview in Xamarin.Forms

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Web Viewis a handy component to load web content. In some cases, you want to display a single web page locally in your app or let users access external web pages within your app. You can simply embed the Web View object in your app and send it a request...


How to use MapView in Xamarin.Forms


Xamarin.Forms.Maps uses the native map APIs on each platform. This provides a fast, familiar maps experience for users, but means that some configuration steps are needed to adhere to each platforms specific API requirements. Once configured, the Map control works just like any other Xamarin.Forms element in common code. Let’s...


How to use ScrollView in Xamarin.Forms


Scroll View is used for displaying content more than the size of the screen. It can contain all of the other UI elements like image views, labels, text views and even another scroll view itself. In this tutorial we are going to create a app that uses ScrollView in it...


How to use XAML in Xamarin.Forms


Xamarin.Forms provides 2 type of Pages for creating Layout for multiple platforms 1) With Code in C# file 2) With XAML file Until now we have seen how to add different components and controls in C# file through code, In this tutorial we are going to see how to add...


Working With Files in Xamarin.Forms


Xamarin.Forms code runs on multiple platforms – each of which has its own filesystem. This means that reading and writing files is most easily done using the native file APIs on each platform. Alternatively, embedded resources are a simpler solution to distribute data files with an app. Create a new...